Altarpieces, vestments and gold and silver works

Altarpieces, vestments and gold and silver works

Featured pieces

Santa Ana's relic custodia.

On the ground floor, together with altarpieces and vestments, are exhibited interesting gold and silver work pieces coming from the churches of the town (San Jorge, Magdalena and Seminary) and the Cathedral.

For its beauty and fineness highlightsthe relic monstrance of Saint Ana in the Cathedral of Tudela. The Cabildo of Zaragoza gave the relic to the Cabildo of Tudela in 1656. It was a craneal piece of Saint Ana whose oldest and documented devotion dates back to the year 1270.

Custodia relicario de Santa Ana

Santa Ana's relic custodia.
Silver Gold colored. Second half of XVII century. Tudela’s Cathedral.

© Museo de Tudela, 2020​

Featured pieces

Japanese Namban Art Ark

Another exceptional piece is the valuable and centennial Japanese Ark of Namban art used for Holy Thursday. Decorative motifs based on simple plants and flowers, birds and other animals have a great presence. In addition, mother-of-pearl inlays abound and they exclusively used the maki, which was considered the most sophisticated lacquer technique. The Namban Ark appears in the collection with two other pieces of the same style. A lectern and a smaller ark.
Arca japonesa Namban

Namban Ark
Wood, Urishi lacquered, maki e-plano, mother-of-pearl inlays. Japanese art, Momoyama period (1563-1613). Tudela's Cathedral.

© Museo de Tudela, 2020​

Featured pieces

Liturgical objects

In the exhibition of liturgical objects, we highlight for their work and decorative motifs in silk embroidery the suits of Saint James and the Evangelists, coming from the cathedral.

Detail of the black chasuble of the Evangelists
Black velvet embroidered in gold and silver color silk. XVI century. Tudela's Cathedral.
© Museo de Tudela, 2020

Detalle terno evangelistas

Saint James cope. Saint James red suit.
Red velvet embroidered in gold and silver color silk. XVII century. Tudela's Cathedral.

© Museo de Tudela, 2020​

Capa pluvial

Featured pieces

Renaissance and Baroqo Altarpieces

Three altarpieces are located in this room: two of them are Renaissance, of great historic-artistic value, the one of Tornamira and the one of Martin de Sesma, XVI century, and in the center a Baroque one in honor of the Immaculate.

Tornamira´s altarpiece, made by Rafael Juan de Monzón, shows oil tables. The image is of the Immaculate surrounded by the symbolism of the litanies.

The altarpiece of Don Martin de Sesma, by the renowned sculptor Domingo de Segura, delights the spectator in the different niches with different sculptural groups. Saint Ana, the Virgin and the child deserves special mention for being Saint Ana the patron Saint of the city.

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