

The medieval cellar of the palace

It is, since June 2004, a room where objects obtained from the most significant archeological sites in Ribera Navarra are shown: Bardenas Reales, Arguedas, Valtierra, Castejón, Cortes and Tudela. The chronology covers from prehistory to medieval times.

Sala Arqueología

Archeology room

© Museo de Tudela, 2020​

Featured pieces

Golden earthenware ataifor

Among all the pieces we highlight the Golden earthenware ataifor, which is for the moment, one of the best ever found in Península Ibérica. An ataifor is a deep dish to serve meats. The most striking of its decoration is the two facing lions in the middle, which is surrounded by three concentric decoration bands.

It was discovered in a small archeological site, just 6 square meters, in Corta-Pelaires street in the old part of Tudela in 1987. Other trousseau objects were found.Although they were not so rich they were useful to know the chronology and we can say the pieces come from the end of XI century or beginning of XII century.


Golden earthenware ataifor
S. XI-XII. Cortapelaires street excavation site (Tudela).

© Museo de Tudela, 2020​

We do not discard a manufacturing center as Tudela has an important number of fragments of this type of Islamic ceramic.

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